Hey everyone!!
I think my Facebook status post sorta freaked everyone out so I thought I'd better let everyone know what REALLY happened.
It was a dark and stormy night...
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...
So many of you heard about my extraordinarily eventful first week as owner of the Whitefield Animal Hospital: pipes freezing, bursting, and flooding my hospital ward among other things - and after a couple of bizarre appointments, including a rather portly ShihTzu (who honestly reminded me of a certain character from Austin Powers who shall remain nameless) keeling over on me during, of all things, a NAIL TRIM - we THOUGHT we were settled into a bit of a rhythm. Considering the time of year which is painfully slow in the veterinary business in the north country due to a little thing we New Englanders like to call WINTER, our business had actually been thriving in the first several days of operation.
While driving over Route 142 between work and my home in Bethlehem, New Hampshire I came over a rise in the pitch dark of night...
And waltzing out into the road looking like a small Volkswagen on stilts was a moose heifer. In about 3 and 6 tenths of a second the following scene unfolded:
1. Vet's eyes dilate
2. Moose eyes dilate
3. Brakes slamming
4. Moose jamming
5. Moose slamming
6. Moose on the loose
7. Moose flops like a goose
8. Moose flat as a caboose's caboose
9. Truck bumps
10. Truck jumps
11. Truck goes push
12. Moose goes smoosh
13. Truck halts
I whipped that puppy around on a dime and thankfully the poor critter took two big breaths and passed away...
Truck lost some cosmetic and detail cover pieces, a fog lamp, and the driver's seat remained unsoiled.
And dang don't that moose meat taste good!!!
Later all!!
P.S. That's my buddy Jud who came over to help skin the poor girl
P.P.S. No - that leg shouldn't look that way... trucks usually win those battles
P.P.P.S. Yes - the moose it bigger than it looks (they always are!)